
How To Register A Trust In Zimbabwe


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Legal Steps to set up a foundation in Zimbabwe: A quick guide

In Zimbabwe a foundation tin exist identified by their registration or their principal objectives. A foundation can either exist legally registered as a Trust, Individual Voluntary Organization or a Universitas.

  1. How to Register your Foundation as a Trust

    1. What is a Trust

      A Foundation can also exist registered as a Trust past the Registrar of Deeds under the Deeds Registries Human activity Chapter 20:05. Trusts tin have unlimited objectives intended to benefit an identifiable community. Trusts tin can be established for private benefit or for a charitable purpose, then the Trust Act must bear witness that the Trust has been established for charitable purposes.

    2. How do yous register a Trust?

      1. Select the purpose and proper noun of your trust also as your board of trustees.

      2. Notice a Registered Notary Public to assistance you lot develop and registering a Trust Human action. The first signal of call to observe a Registered Notary Public is a law firm. For a directory of police firms in Zimbabwe, visit the Law Society of Zimbabwe website

        The Trust Deed is a legal document which contains the terms and conditions nether which the Trust will operate. The procedure of developing and registering a Trust Act requires the services of a registered Notary Public.

        What is a Notary Public: A registered notary is a person (usually also a lawyer) who witnesses the signing of important documents and attests to the authenticity thereof. To ensure that you are dealing with a registered notary, their certificate of registration should be on display, but if information technology is not you may request to see it and their notarial seal

        Information technology is important that yous use a Notary Public as the Notary Public is responsible of drafting and preparing the Trust Deed and other necessary documentation that will be lodged at the Deeds Registry.

        Note: There will exist a price involved in using a Registered Notary Public

        Fundamental Things that Must exist Included in your Trust Deed

        The Trust Act must set out at to the lowest degree the following;

        • Name of Trust
        • Objectives of the Trust (which must be lawful)

        • Beneficiaries of the Trust

        • Details of the Founder and Trustees (minimum 3 (3) Trustees) - The Trustees which must be identified in total proper noun, identity number and addresses registered with the Registrar of Deeds

        • Address of the Trust

      3. Register your Trust with the Registrar of Deeds

        Ensure that your Notary Public registers your Trust Human action with the Registrar of Deeds.

        There are two (ii) deeds registries in Zimbabwe – one in Harare and i in Bulawayo. There is a cost involved for registering your Trust Deed at the Registrar of Deeds.

    3. Key Documents for Registration as a Trust

      • The Trust Human action

      • Identity Documents of Trustees

      • Proof of residence

    4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Registering as a Trust



      1. Dissever Legal Entity
      2. Limited Liability
      3. Asset protection
      4. Continuity
      5. Tax Benefits
        • Estate duty – trusts exercise not pay estate duty
        • The trust's income can be taxed in the easily of either the trust or the beneficiaries (a valuable revenue enhancement planning tool).
      1. Establishment Costs
        A trust has some costs involved to set it upwardly. A lawyer will likely be involved to brand certain that everything is higher up board. They can also provide ongoing advice on the trust'south ongoing regulatory and filing requirements.

      2. Disclosure and Reporting Requirements
  2. How to Register your Foundation equally a Private Voluntary Organisation

    1. What is a Private Voluntary Organisation (PVO)?

      A foundation tin be registered under the Private Voluntary Organization Human activity through the Section of Social Welfare that falls under the Ministry building of Labour and Social Services.

      In terms of the constabulary, Private Voluntary Organisations (PVOs) are organisations or association of persons and their main objective include at least 1 of the following:

      • to provide either or all fabric, mental, concrete or social needs of persons or families,
      • to provide charity to persons or families in distress,
      • to preclude social distress or destitution to persons or families,
      • to provide assistance or promote activities that are aimed at uplifting standards of living of persons or families,
      • to provide funds for legal assistance,
      • to prevent animal cruelty or to promote animal welfare,
      • or simply to collect contributions that contribute to any of the listed or prescribed objectives.

      The governing law for PVOs is the Private Voluntary Organisations Act (Chapter 17: 05).

    2. How to Form and Annals as a PVO

      1. The first step in forming a PVO is therefore to identify the foundation's principal objectives.
      2. The Secretarial assistant for the local organisation applying for registration as a PVO should lodge an awarding with the Registrar through the District Social Service Office in the surface area where their headquarters are located.
      3. The organization which lodges an application for registration as a PVO, must at its own expense, publish a notice of intention to be registered as such in a paper circulating in the expanse concerned.
      4. The District Social Services officer is responsible for the initial cess of the organization afterward perusing the application and interviewing the applicants.
      5. Awarding is then forwarded to the Caput Office through the Provincial Social Services Officer with the following documents for consideration by the PVO Lath

      Key Documents Required for the application:

      Section 9 of the PVO Act states that the applicant must submit the following documents which will establish the application

      • Application for registration (Application forms are purchasable from Harare, provincial or district offices of the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare)
      • The name of the foundation
      • The objectives of the foundation
      • Names of between two (two) to twenty (20) people constituting the beginning members of the Executive Council/Board
      • Curricula Vitae (CVs) of key lath members
      • Particulars of Directors and Secretary (this includes their names, nationalities, residential addresses, occupations)
      • Proper noun and accost of the auditor (if none, the Registrar allocates you with 1 following approving of your awarding)
      • Address & post role box accost of your registered office
      • Interpol/local law clearance (Interpol clearance is for when the foundation is foreign and as such the clearance will be from the respective country)
      • Principal identify of business (refers to the proposed area of geographic coverage)
      • The organization'southward constitution
      • Proof of public observe in national papers (notice must include proposed PVO name, its purpose, aims and mandate and it should be placed in a newspaper circulating in the area concerned). The purpose of this observe to call persons with objections to gild them with the Registrar of PVOs within the prescribed time limit
      • Menstruum of financial yr (usually needed for international organizations)
      • Proof of notification to local authorities of intent to register (for local organizations).
    3. What happens when you submit your application?

      If all the documents submitted are in order, the Registrar volition submit them to the PVO Board who has the mandate to determine whether the awarding has been rejected or accepted for registration.

      The procedure can take betwixt three (3) months or up to a year.

    4. Advantages and Disadvantages of Registering as a PVO



      1. Your organisation will be legally compliant avoiding legal sanctions of non-compliance which can be anything betwixt hefty fines or imprisonment.
      1. Interference in Internal Governance past the Minister of Labour and Social Welfare. If the Government minister believes that a PVO has failed to comply with its objectives or constitution, has been subject to maladministration, or has engaged in illegal activities, or that "it is necessary or desirable to do and so in the public interest," or any other footing in terms of Section 21 of the Deed the Government minister through discover in a regime gazette may suspend all or whatever of the members of the Executive Commission of the PVO. The Government minister may likewise amend or revoke any suspension.
      2. The Minister is authorized in terms of Section 20 to transport inspectors at any time to examine the accounts and any documents of any PVO. Once a notice has been delivered to the PVO, the PVO is expected to comply by providing all required information. The documents that are effectively seized past virtue of the notice can exist kept for a "reasonable catamenia".
      3. he length of time to register (can have between 3 months to a twelvemonth).
  3. How to Annals your Foundation equally a Universitas

    Universitas are organisations that have a common-police force persona but are not registered or regulated by whatever enacted laws. They are recognised every bit entities with common-law persona that have a constitution and members that have agreed to achieve a common objective that is entirely for the benefits of its members.

    For this pick there is no regulation past any statute. In theory, all that is really needed is that an establishment or organisation has a constitution and members that agree on achieving a common objective with regards to benefitting its members. This is very like shooting fish in a barrel and straightforward, but, very few non-profits or foundations utilize this option.

    Unremarkably church building related NGOs are non officially registered and use this and operate nether this option. It is lawfully acceptable in Zimbabwe.

    1. How to Prepare Upwards a Mutual Law Universitas

      • Identify the members
      • Typhoon the constitution to determine modus operandi in accordance with common law. For information on how to depict upward a constitution click on the post-obit link
      • Consult a lawyer: while at that place are no strict formalities it is important that the constitution is sound, and all members agree with information technology. Too as proper and professional oversight of whatsoever additional documents and property acquisitions that may occur equally well every bit general running advice.

      What is required to establish such a foundation? Members concord on achieving a common objective with regards to benefitting their members and they take a constitution that's sets out the organization'south structures and objectives.

      These types of organisations are lawful and recognised in Republic of zimbabwe.

    2. Advantages and Disadvantages of Setting Up every bit a Common Police force Universitas



      1. Relatively low establishment costs
      2. Separate legal personality from members
      3. Can hold and dispose property
      4. Benefits of being a registered legal entity without actually being one
      1. Government is always looking for reasons to clamp downwardly on this type of organisation
      2. Getting clearance for certain gatherings/protests may be difficult due to strict Public Order and Security Act (Affiliate 11:17)

Accessing Acts of Parliament and Official Government Documents

To obtain the well-nigh upwardly to date regime publications (including Acts/legislation linked to the legal entity you want to class) SIVIO encourages y'all to visit Printflow Individual Express (previously Regime Printing and Stationery).

They take offices in the following locations:

  • Harare: George Silundika Ave, btwn 6th Street and Epton Street, Harare
  • Bulawayo: Store No 2 Kaymer House, 105 Robert Mugabe Manner, Bulawayo
  • Mutare: No 2. Robert Mugabe Way, Building 44, Mutare
  • Gweru: 44b Sixth St Sparrows Flats, sixth Street, Gweru
  • Masvingo:Stand up No. 7150 B, Bradburn Street, Masvingo


SIVIO Institute has taken care to ensure that the higher up information is accurate and up to date, however, SIVIO Institute makes no warranty that the data is accurate and precise. The higher up information is for general data purpose but and is not suitable to be used every bit legal advice. SIVIO Institute hereby accepts no liability for whatever prejudice, loss or damage of whatsoever nature which may ascend from reliance on any information published herein.

Readers are advised to consult with appropriate legal professionals and not to act on the basis of the information contained herein solitary.

How To Register A Trust In Zimbabwe,


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