If y'all've lived in a hurricane-prone expanse before, you already know the right preparation can go a long style towards preventing costly damage to your home. But did y'all know there are also ways you can protect your car from harsh hurricane damage? Y'all may not exist able to completely avoid all potential harm, but doing something is certainly better than nothing when it comes to protecting your belongings. Taking care of your family unit and domicile should exist priority number one, but after you have that nether command, here are a scattering of things yous can too do to protect your vehicle during a hurricane.

Protect Important Vehicle Information

Be sure to remove important items from your vehicle, such as your registration, insurance information and car keys before the tempest and keep them in a plastic zip-sealed bag. Meliorate all the same, get copies of each item fabricated and store them abroad in a dry out, rubber place then subsequently the storm passes you're able to use your vehicle if necessary.

Fill Up Your Tank

Having your auto keys and vehicle registration won't help much if your gas tank is empty. Fuel stations typically feel gasoline shortages during and later on hurricanes – 60% of gas stations in Miami-Ft. Lauderdale and Gainesville were without fuel during Hurricane Irma – so topping off your tank prior to the tempest will come up in handy should there be a shortage of gas after the storm passes.

Deflate Your Tires

Removing the air from your tires volition cause your vehicle to be far less buoyant then in case of flooding, your car is more likely to stay in one place. Of grade, you lot may only want to do this if you have the means to re-fill your tires afterwards.

Take Photos of Your Car

Before the storm, exist sure to have plenty of detailed photos of the interior and exterior of your car. In case your vehicle does go badly damaged during the tempest, having these photos volition assistance you in making an insurance claim and potentially save y'all a lot of coin in repair costs.

Park Your Car Safely

Parking indoors is your best bet. But if that's non an option, try to park your vehicle underneath an overhead cover to better protect it from falling or flying droppings. Also, parking on high ground can keep your car safe from inundation damage. Conversely, parking near landmarks like trees, street signs, and powerlines leaves your machine more exposed to flight droppings.

Tape Upwards Your Windows

In improver to parking your auto safely, exist certain to record up your windows in a crisscross blueprint using masking tape. This will assistance keep salt water from seeping inside of your vehicle and seriously damaging your interior.

Drive Carefully

You may want to avoid driving altogether unless absolutely necessary. If you do, you should bulldoze advisedly and never drive through a flooded expanse even if it doesn't appear to be very deep. Information technology only takes about 1 foot of continuing water for some cars to stall and become inoperable. You may have to carelessness your auto if it stalls in a flooded expanse, and then it'due south best to play it safe.

Hurricane Auto Repair

Fifty-fifty if you've done all that y'all can exercise to protect your car during a hurricane, you lot may nevertheless need to go some bodywork done after the inclement weather has subsided. For those on the e declension, Carsmetics has body shops in Florida, New Jersey, and North Carolina ready to provide adept motorcar body repair. Contact Carsmetics online or past calling 1-888-455-3456 today.